Sunday 26 April 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Trevors birthday 12th April and as Lucy and Harvey are here and Auntie likes a bit of chocolate too - I had organised a Easter Egg Hunt on the plot 20 or so eggs were hidden throughout the 2 plots for Charlie Harvester and Luby to find. Lovely to see Charlie on plot he dosent come at all now - being 15 its so uncool - So really great to see him over

Lucy comes for Easter & Trevors Birthday

This beautiful young lady is Lucy shes the youngest child of our very dear friends Scott and Bev - we've been frinds with them since we met - in 1987 - 22 years ago - we used to hang out with them and just generally do stuff together before any of us were married or had even thought about kids.
They still live in Broadstairs Kent but they popped up over Easter weekend as Easter Sunday was Trevors birthday. 21 again!! Hes got the key of the shed!! :-)