Well here it is our first blog about our allotment -
- we are a couple in West London who have a plot that we love to bits - its our 4th year or season if your a real plotter!
We first got involved as the allotment was directly behind our house and a neighbour kept disappearing for hours on end and then would come in through the back gate after dark - we found out she had an allotment and it was less that a minute walk from our new back gate. After she showed us her plot that was it we put our name on the list - the very long list!
3 years later after regularly emailing the allotment manager to make sure we were still on the list - a call came through to meet up with her and view the vacant plots, we took plot 170 for several reasons - it was a full plot - thats 100 meters in new money - 10 rods is the correct allotment terminology. So that was in the November 05 - we spent all those winter weekends removing brambles and learning what weeds were, we covered up bits we couldnt dig and began planning the most amazing plot that had ever lived - the list included a pergula a pond, a seating area, and most importantly somewhere to put the veggies. I even still plan to have a hammock!!
That seems such a long time ago now - we've grown lots of things - tried a lot of things that didnt work - its all trial and error - but we've had a great time tying - to us its a hobby we share together with loads and loads of benefits;
- 100% organic veggies
- excercise for free
- friends and neighbours
- to be able to nerture and see things grow from weeny seed to a fruit or veg
- a chance to be creative and artistic in how to design the blank canvas each spring
- somewere to have complete peace and quiet - no phones - no team - no teeth!
So we've ( the royal wee mainly me Mrs S ) planned to do a blog so we can share our ups and downs of 09 with the world - its not to get anything but recorded memories but if a few people read it then all the better - Im not that technically minded by my teenage son assures me its easy to blog - we'll see.